Kansas Grass Fed Beef Is Better, According to 1st Graders

“Grass fed/ grass finished” and “grass fed” are terms often used interchangeably by grass fed beef producers.   Almost all calves eat at least some grass before weaning.  Calves that are fattened on grain after weaning are generally referred to as “grain fed.”

Grass fed beef is better than grain fed beef, according to our focus group of 1st graders; on that much they agreed (see disclaimers below).

Here are the top 20 reasons, in more or less their own words (fact checked):

  1. Grass Fed Beef is better because it keeps your nose from growing too long. (This kiddo may have feared Pinocchio Syndrome.)
  2. Grass Fed Beef makes you prettier. (Undoubtedly true.)
  3. Grass Fed Beef keeps your toes from curling. (Don’t know where that came from.)
  4. Kansas Grass Fed Beef makes you sing better; Tim McGraw eats it. (Might be true.  Mr. McGraw is reported to eat a paleo diet, but Kansas is a long way from his home in Florida.)
  5. Kansas Grass Fed Beef is better because the burgers are the best ever! (No surprise, 1st graders are born to a paleo diet.)
  6. Grass Fed Beef is better because grass-eating cows are healthier. (Sure enough, cows are born to a paleo diet, too.)
  7. Kansas Grass Fed Beef helps keep you from getting cancer. (Yes, the CLA can’t hurt, but the genes is what’s in the jeans.)
  8. Kansas Grass Fed Beef will end global warming. (It’s a start, along with eliminating some of the hot air in D.C.)
  9. Kansas Grass Fed Beef is better because if you eat it you won’t get a heart attack. (It’s certainly lower in fat.  A little tug-of-war at recess wouldn’t hurt a 1st  grader, either.)
  10. Kansas Grass Fed Beef is better because it’s from Kansas. (All agreed with this one.)
  11. Kansas Grass Fed Beef makes your hair thicker and shinier. (Probably so, the Omega 3 and  vitamins.)
  12. Kansas Grass Fed Beef keeps you thin. (Even 1st graders are concerned with their weight, I guess.)
  13. Kansas Grass Fed Beef is better because if you eat lots of it it you will be able to run faster. (1st graders are so competitive these days, but yes, true.)
  14. Kansas Grass Fed Beef is better because that’s what grass is for. People can’t eat it. (Makes sense.)
  15. Kansas Grass Fed Beef is better because grass makes more air for us to breathe. (True, plus the grass absorbs the CO2 the cows breathe out.)
  16. Kansas Grass Fed Beef is better because if the cows don’t eat the grass we will have to plow up the hills to grow something else and we’ll never get the grass back.  (True enough.)
  17. Kansas Grass Fed Beef is better because healthy cows can save their calves from coyotes better. (Grass fed cows have to think on their feet, that’s for sure.)
  18. Kansas Grass Fed Beef helps you see better. (Couldn’t confirm.)
  19. Kansas Grass Fed Beef makes you smarter. (Probably true, but grain-fed beef eaters refused to be tested.)
  20. Kansas Grass Fed Beef is better because if everybody eats it we won’t have to go to school on Fridays. (They’re always up to something, aren’t they.)


  1.  Although our focus group was not without bias, their opinions are based on personal experiences eating Rhino’s beef cooked into stew, casseroles, roasts, brisket, steaks and hamburgers.  While we attempted to capture the flavor of their enthusiasm, we may have sacrificed the accuracy of their remarks.  It might even be said that we put both words and grass fed beef into their mouths.
  2. Should you encounter these youngsters while we are showing our seed stock, they may or may not solicit you about the purchase of grass-fed beef or seed stock. They are far more likely to solicit you for a per-page pledge to a read-a-thon, a per jump pledge to a jump-a-thon or a per mile pledge to a run-a-thon  As with other matters regarding children with unbridled enthusiasm, you would be advised to proceed with caution.